You’ll keep the program forever…for FREE. Then, if you complete and return the survey that’s enclosed with your program-within 180 days-you’ll get a full refund of the program price (excluding shipping). When you order your program, you’ll pay 3 monthly payments of $109 each, plus $19 for shipping and handling ($25 to Canadian destinations). The Total Transformation® Program has helped over 200,000 families and we really want to see what it can do for you too! That’s why, for a limited time, we’re willing to give you this program for FREE in exchange for your feedback.

Let’s allow Total Transformation explain how: Here is the good news – you can get the program that deals directly with oppositional defiant disorder, that gives you the parenting skills to be in control of your family again and to be the family you long for, for FREE! So what are the costs in getting the Total Transformation program?

You have determined no longer to walk this path alone and are ready to buy. The days of isolation, frustration and embarrassment will be over. There is help and the Total Transformation program is the path you have chosen. The results of the research proved that you no longer have to struggle with your child’s behavioral difficulties. After the initial shock and confusion, you started researching just what this was.

Workout your upper body with strength training moves that use both your own bodyweight and dumbbells or resistance bands define a leaner lower body, strengthen your core and add in recovery with yoga workouts.Snapshot of your life: It has been determined that your child has oppositional defiant disorder issues. This calendar combines our HIIT, Definitions, and Power 20 programs for a truly total-body fitness regimen that will sculpt and define your body from head to toe. 3-DVD Set: Total Body Transformation: Calendar Programġ6 Different Workouts, PLUS a printed Calendar